Bay View Park

4120 N. Summit St., Toledo, Ohio 43611

Amenities: Walking Trail (Pinkley Memorial Trail), Birding, Fishing (Bayview Park is adjacent to Cullen Park [north] and Detwiler Park [west]. The Point Place Path connects all three parks).

Cullen Park

4526 N Summit St., Toledo OH 43611

Amenities: Fishing, Parking Lot, Park Bench, Monument, Lighting and Boat Launch

Detwiler Park

4001 N Summit St, Toledo, OH 43611

Amenities: BBQ, Golf Course, Parking Lot, Park Bench, Picnic Tables, Play Equipment, & Restroom

Howard Pinkley Landing &

Riviera Park

2250 Shoreland Ave., Toledo OH 43611

Amenities: Parking Lot, Pier, Park Bench, Walk Trail

Shoreland Park

5817 Rounding River Ln., Toledo, OH 43611

Amenities: BBQ, Picnic Tables, Shelter, & Play Equipment